
Safety on the web.

The internet has plenty of offensive and sinful material. Relying totally on the Government and the Internet Service Provider or our instant wisdom or judgement to screen out the undesirable sites are usually not sufficient. It is convenient to pretend that the problem does not exist or that it should not even be mentioned. Indeed we have to be wary of anyone, who speaks lightly of such dangers lurking in the net, regardless of his position or standing in the Church or society. Ref: the warning of St. Maximilain Kolbe .

Sinful material on the internet.

The internet has plenty of offensive and sinful material. Relying totally on the Government and the Internet Service Provider or our instant wisdom or judgement to screen out the undesirable sites are usually not sufficient. It is convenient to pretend that the problem does not exist or that it should not even be mentioned. Indeed we have to be wary of anyone, who speaks lightly of such dangers lurking in the net, regardless of his position or standing in the Church or society. Ref: the warning of St. Maximilain Kolbe .

But I say this to you, if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultury with her in her heart.

- Matthew 5:28

One thing for sure, the internet is too huge to monitor. Once the gateway is open, the contents cannot be censored that easily.

While access providers' computers can be programmed to screen out undesirable sites, disturbing elements can still slip through for various reasons.

Call it undesirable literature and pictures, filth, dirt, pornography or what you will, it may range from the subtle to the overt. It is so ubiquitous in its presence that, not infrequently, an honest web search with innocent keywords can rake in one of these things.

Rather than blindly entering into an aimless and random websurf, it is always best to plan well and search systematically; this should also minimise the online charges. As with the commencement of any journey on the highway or with the start of any other human endeavor (as a Christian), a sincere prayer for protection at the start of each internet session would be prudent.


and it certainly would be helpful and useful to utilise a filtering device....

Web filters.

You need a censoring software to minimise the chances of your children and yourself entering restricted (=sinful) sites; to say that the word "restricted" here is a euphemism is obviously an understatement. A number of censoring software are available.

Please see the Web Filter Page.

Taking a child he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it, he said to them:...

Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe (in me) to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

- Mark 9:36,42.

Censoring softwares does not, however, guarantee foolproof safety from pornography and the like for your child and yourself. Regular prayers as well as constant vigilance and greater concern and awareness (After all, what are you a parent for?) for your child's daily activities are also imperative to ensure that the child grow up to be a true and faithful christian.

You may also like subscribe or provide active support to the commendable efforts of organisations such as the Family Research Council. You can also hope and pray that your local parish, church or clergy will wake up and do something about it.

Blessed are the pure in heart:

they shall see God.

- Matthew 5:8

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